Tag Archives: easy

Stunning, Fun & NEW

Stunning, Fun & NEW

Hey Guys – Stunning, Fun & NEW product is what I am sharing with you today.  Of course I am excited to share with you these TWO Stunning cards! One is a fancy fold that holds the front closed.   If you would like to watch this Live or already recorded, click here!

For those of you who would like to get some of my designs mailed to you, watch Live and be sure to comment (during the Live) so we can put you in the drawing!  I have heard from everyone that I mail to: These are so much better in person!!  That is ONE reason you will want to watch Live, the other is that we have fun visiting!

You will also want to sign up for my Newsletter here on my blog because I send out all the PDF’s of the projects I have done and will do on YouTube! Great news, is that it is FREE! Mostly I send the pdf’s out once a month. So don’t forget to sign up now!!

Stunning, Fun & NEW

Stunning, Fun & NEW

Stunning, Fun & NEW

Stunning, Fun & NEW


Last Chance Product!

Now that I am done showing you Stunning, fun & new product, I want to make sure you know about the Last Chance Product.  Especially that one of my all time favorites is on sale and discontinuing, can you believe that Deckled Rectangles are leaving?! Well it is on sale (while supplies last) for $18 from $30!  Deckled Circles are retiring too.  🙁   If you are one of those who love to shop discounted items be sure and check out my OnLine Store ASAP!  Product is disappearing as I type this!

Also there is ANOTHER way to get a discount EVERY time you purchase and that is by joining my team!!  I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t tell you that you could maximize your investment by joining SU!  As soon as you join you can get 20% off your next and every order.  Plus depending on how well you do you can get even a bigger percentage off!  Exciting news you can join The Tedder Bears if you click here!

I appreciate you!

Of course I appreciate you! If you are here reading this It makes my day.  Be sure to leave a comment so I know you visited.  Surely in the past I have mailed out handmade cards to those who have commented here!  Thank you for being my friend and supporting me and my small business!

Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

Hearts & Hugs – TWO cute cards!

Hearts & Hugs TWO cute cards!

Hey Guys,  Hearts & Hugs – TWO  cute cards is what I am sharing with you!  As always I love cutesie cards, hope you like them too!  If you would like to see how these two simple cards were made, click here to see my video.  Every Thursday I have a video showing you how fun it is to create using Stamps & product from Stampin’ Up! Of course I’ve told you that I have been a Demo for over 23 years, but it IS my passion!

Hearts & Hugs TWO cute cardsHearts & Hugs TWO cute cards


Hearts & Hugs TWO cute cardsHearts & Hugs TWO cute cards

Last Day!!

Now that I am done telling you about Hearts & Hugs TWO  cute cards!  I mentioned last time I was here that SU! is having a joining special. Well, today is the LAST DAY!!  You won’t want to miss out on this !!  Now, I have been a Demo for over 23 years, and NOT ONCE have I regretted it! Instead I thank God every day that I found this awesome company and have leaned that I am creative!  Also, I have made so many friends, learned so much from others, I want you to have that opportunity too!!

Thank you!!

As always I tell you how much you mean to me. Also the fact that you come here and see what I make PLUS watch my videos on my YouTube Channel, means the world to me!!  After all, I love what I do, but I also want YOU to love what I do!  Unless something happens, I will be here next week making something again! My hope is that you will subscribe to my YT channel and especially watch one Live! This way if you are Live with me, you get put into a drawing to win one of the cards I make!

See you next week!
Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

LOOK like you’re an ARTIST!!

Hey Guys, LOOK like you’re an ARTIST!! Two cards with techniques that makes you feel like artistic! The only way I’ve been feeling artistic is by using stamps! But I tried something new today, I’m so pleased with how it came out! Today is Thursday, so today is YouTube day! If you missed my video you will want to go check it out, click here! If you have been following me you know that every Thursday at 4:00 (eastern U.S.) I have a video! It’s been going on 4 years, so I have HUNDREDS for you to check out!

Look like you’re an artist!

Look like you're an artist!
Look like you're an artist!
Look like you're an artist!
Look like you're an artist!

Did you notice that I colored the Cup on it’s own – no stamping!! Also, did you see the gift card holder on the last picture? BOTH of these were so much fun to make! If you would like the PDF for both of these cards, sign up for my Newsletter here on my Blog and I send them out around every 2-3 weeks! Of course it’s free!

One BIG reason to join SU!

So, I showed you how to LOOK like you’re an ARTIST, now I am going to talk to you about why I love SU! so much! Having told you about my upcoming trip to Houston, I wanted to tell you the reasons I am so excited! At every function Stampin’ Up! has, I meet people with the same excitement for Paper crafting as I have! Talk about being in a group with like minded people, when there you feel so included!

I’ve made so many lifelong friends! But, that is not the only reason to go, did you know that you get to preorder from catalogs that are coming out soon?! We get sneak peeks, free product and we get to bring home our OWN new catalog!! Funny thing, once on stage one of the workers asked what we would do if we were locked in accidentally at HQ of SU! MOST of us said we would NOT try to get out, we would go hunting for the catalogs that are new! LOL

If any of this sounds like something you might want to try out, sign up with me so you can go with me next time! For this trip I am meeting up with a good friend that I ALWAYS look for at these things. But this time I am rooming with her!! She is a Hoot and I expect to have this trip filled with laughter and fun!

You are a blessing to me!

Thank you so much for reading this, as we know you could be anywhere right now. But, you chose to be here! I work hard to make things I think you’ll like. The fact that you are reading this, hopefully I’ve fulfilled that goal! Please come back, and I would love to hear from you either here on my blog or on my YouTube channel!

Lisa Tedder
A former CA girl living in NC!

Product List

Elegant & Wow!

Hey Guys, Elegant & Wow! TWO cards today showing one stamp set with different looks! On one hand I’m being able to get multiple looks from one stamp set is a key! In this case I am showing you how to use Glimmer paper, birds and dies. On the whole I have a very ELEGANT card that is so striking I can’t wait to show you! If you miss the YouTube video showing how to make these cards (today at 4:00!) you can catch it here!

Elegant & Wow! This is the Wow!
Elegant & Wow! This is the Wow!
Elegant & Wow! This is the Elegant one, but STILL a wow!
Elegant & Wow! This is the Elegant one, but STILL a wow!

Now, if you would like to get the PDF for both these cards be sure and sign up for my Newsletter here on my blog! On the whole, I try to send out my Newsletter every two weeks, but sometimes I get so busy! Equally important is to give credit for those who inspire me, the elegant card is inspired by Jennifer Timko. Basically she used a different stamp set, but I loved the design so I used it for this card.

ONE week left!

In effect, you have 1 week left to get your orders in to get your freebies during Sale-a-Bration! In the meantime, you can go to this blog post to see all the ways to maximize your investment! Of course I have said this before but, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t tell you how to do just that! Mostly, I joined because of the discount! If by chance you need to place an order, here is my link.

Thank you

I love to thank you for supporting me, because I KNOW you can go anywhere! The fact that you are here means the world to me. Please know that I am not just saying it. I appreciate you! See you next time!

Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

Product List

Continuing the Carousel Ride

Hey Guys, I’m continuing the Carousel Ride today because I had two more ideas using it! Because I broke my neck Horseback riding, Carousel Horses are the only ones I ride anymore! Before you see these cards below, keep in mind that I have changed them up on my Live Video today! If you missed it, click here. For some reason, I have a problem doing the SAME card twice! Of course, I hope you love both sets!

Continuing the Carousel Ride

Continuing the carousel ride
Continuing the Carousel ride
Continuing the carousel ride
Continuing the Carousel Ride

Joining offer this month!!

Indeed, there is a joining sale for those who join this month!

WooHoo!!  Join now!

Overall this is an awesome deal! Of course, you can get more goodies or spend less! Because I love stamps/stamping so much I would choose the 35% more! Nevertheless, what would you choose? When you join, click this link to sign up! As always I would love to have you join my team: The Tedder Bears! Basically we do monthly meetings, some of the meetings we do a shoebox swap where we get together and make each others cards! While stamping we visit and laugh! As a matter of fact we have so much fun that everyone can’t wait to do it again!

FREE Pdf’s

Basically when I am done doing this post and the others I do for my videos, I make a PDF to give to those who sign up for my Newsletter! In fact today I am sending out 4 PDF’s to those who are already signed up! If you would like to get the PDF’s that I am doing on my video today, sign up and you will get it in a couple of weeks along with those I do from here on out! Because my love language is gift giving, I do this because I love to share!

Thank you!

Because I always say this, I hope you don’t think I don’t mean it! Unquestionably I appreciate you coming to visit me here on my blog and visiting me on YouTube! After all you can be anywhere but you chose to spend your time with me! Thank you!!

Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

Product List

Wow Alternate Kit Cards

Hey Guys, today I am sharing Wow alternate Kit cards! Before you ask, it is the Colorful Kaleidoscope Kit and WOW this kit is Stunning!! Of course it is Thursday so that means I am doing a video walking you through how to make it, if you missed it click here.

Wow Alternate Kit Cards

Wow alternate kit cards
Wow Alternate Kit Cards
Wow Alternate Kit Cards

Would you like FREE Pdf’s?

Every Thursday I have a video on my YouTube Channel, but did you know that I send the PDF’s for these to my friends who signed up for my Newsletter? First off, I’m not sure if you know this about me, but I am an Avid stamper. Of course you have seen that I like to make my stamps/supplies work to make beautiful projects. Secondly, I LOVE to share with others! So, all you need to do is sign up for my Newsletter to get not only these three PDF’s but those I make in the future too! If you look to the right of my posts you will see where to sign up. I would love to share with you too!!

Do you LOVE new product?

Conversely I would love to send you a NEW mini catalog! There are so many Fun stamps and product for you to drool over! Indeed, I would love to send you a catty, I charge $5 for the Mini but I also send with it a coupon worth $5! This way I am not out money but once you order you get the discount!! Also, I do this for the big Catalog but the cost is $10 with a $10 coupon inside! Win Win!

YOU are appreciated!

Certainly you have heard this before, but it does need repeating! I appreciate you, not only do you visit me (YAY!) but you also could be doing anything else. Also there are those of you who attend my Lives and the joy I get out of seeing you there can’t be counted! So today I shared with you Wow Kit card alternates, but also how you can get the PDF”s for free! Please know that I DO appreciate you! Hope to see you on my Lives!!

Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

Product List

Fun & Funny Stamping

Featuring Beautiful Balloons and Hey Chuck

Hey Guys, Fun & Funny Stamping is right up my Alley!! Of course I love to laugh (who doesn’t!?), so I made one of the cards super funny (at least to me). Every day I look in the mirror I SEE that I love to laugh! If you would like to join me on my Live and watch these cards being made, click here! As can be seen in this card Fun & Funny Stamping is the best!

Fun & Funny stamping, I used Wonderful Thoughts to make this funny.

Fun & Funny stamping – THIS is my FUN card

Who doesn’t love Frills!? The dies for this Balloon stamp set has Frills! Definitely, I wanted to show how you could look at the catalog and use the images to make something. Especially since the Stampin’ Up! catalog is FULL of ideas! Moreover I used the design for this card from the catalog, BUT the card in the catalog was a Slim Line card. So, I decided to use the design but make it different, so I could be me.

This is the FUN part of 'Fun & Funny stamping'

New Catalog is Now out!!

Surely, you know if you follow Stampin’ Up! at all that our new Catalog is now out! Of course as soon as I saw the Hey Chuck set I HAD to get it! Then I saw the Balloon set and when you put the Dies together with the set, it’s perfect! IF you like the Hey Chuck set and want to get a PDF of 16 card projects using NEW sets click here! Furthermore I added my Host code to that link, so you could get BOTH the stamp bundle and the PDF!


At this point, I’m sure you know what I’m going to say! Of course I am going to tell you that I appreciate you coming here and reading my post! The fact that you are here makes me so excited that you like what you see/read! Please come back next week when I will be having another video to share! YOU are the reason I do what I do, thank you!

Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

Product List

Floating Gate Fold

Playing in the Rain

Hey Guys, today I’m introducing the Floating Gate Fold using Playing in the Rain stamp set from Stampin’ Up! Of course, you have realized that I like fancy folds, but did you know that animals are a BIG deal to me? When I was young I was not close to ANYONE in my family and our pets are what brought me love. Today, I am close with my immediate family, but I still love hanging out with my animals! However, I’m sure you’ve seen my cat come say hi on my Lives! 🙂 So, if you would like to see the Floating Gate Fold made, click here to be taken to my YouTube video!

Floating Gate Fold card

Floating Gate fold closed
Floating Gate Fold card inside. LOVE this card!!

Get the PDF for this (& more) for FREE!

After all, who doesn’t love giving things away, and pdf’s are one of mine. If you sign up for my Newsletter (click on the box to the right), I will not only send you THIS pdf but I will also send you ones that I am doing from here on out! Consequently I send them out each week that I do a video! Similarly in the PDF I send out things that are happening that week in my world of stamping! As can be seen, I would love it if you would tell me things/stamps you would like to see here. Of course I will try my best to do it!

5 days left!

Certainly you like free things, I know I do! Nevertheless, Sale-a-Bration has only until the end of February which means you only have 5 Days Left!! Did you know that SU! ADDED more things that you can pick from?! Look at my charts below to see what you can get….but don’t wait more than 5 days!! When you place an order can you please use this link: https://www.stampinup.com?hostcode=TSRWDKAP



Because I love to hear from you, I would love it if you would leave me a comment here, or join me on one of my Lives on YouTube. Also, I would REALLY love it if you joined me on one of my Lives on my YouTube Channel, I have HUNDREDS of videos with awesome projects! So, thank you for spending time with me!

Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

Product List

Fast & Easy Card

It may be easy, but it’s gorgeous!

Hey Guys, Today I am sharing with you a Fast & Easy card! As the tag line said, It may be easy, but it’s gorgeous! Certainly, If you would like to watch me make this Fast & Easy card, click here!

  • Layers – Check
  • Embossing Folder – Check
  • Ribbon – Check
  • Stamping – Check
  • Gems – Check

Fast & Easy? You tell me!

Fast & Easy, surprise, it is!!

Want the FREE PDF?

Another key point, it’s super simple to get the Free PDF for this card, plus those I do in the future! So, What do you need to do? First thing to remember, you only need to sign up for my Newsletter! Undoubtedly You should see the sign up bar on the right side of this post! Then you will get a weekly PDF or when I do my videos and offer the Pdf, you will get it! Indeed, I Told you it was free!!

Sale a Bration almost OVER!!

Basically, I say ‘Please, don’t have it be over already!!’ I LOVE SAB, every year I get so excited to get FREE product with the order I was already getting! SU! always outdoes their selves! NOW they have even MORE for free! Yes, they are offering the usual in the SAB brochure, but they are also offering things that are in the BIG catalog!! WooHoo!!

Free SAB with any/all $50 order, you can order this Fast & Easy supplies to make this card!
Free SAB with any/all $50 order, you can order this Fast & Easy supplies to make this card!

Want to be a Discount Shopper?!

Certainly, I ask this all the time! Of course you do! When I joined in 2003, that’s why! Of course, I was going to be buying it anyway, why not share this opportunity with my friends and have fun doing it! Choosing to join my team would make me so happy – Team name: Lets Stamp! We get together virtually every month, but we also have Showbox swaps, and I buy one of my team members a brand new stamp set each month! Whereas, the only thing I ask is that they make some samples and share with the group! Emphatically, I would love for you to join under me, click here to check it out! Consequently you get to PICK which special you want!!

Last but not least

Similarly, every time I post I tell you how appreciative I am of you coming, I am not lying! I know life gets busy and there are tons to see on the internet, but the choice of coming here, makes me happy! Nevertheless, I have to go for this week. However, I plan on making something really pretty, lots of layers, fancy folds, pretty much a card you will want to pick who is special to get it!! Thanks again, come back next week!!

Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

Product List

My favorite set

Just in case….

Hey Guys, My favorite set, or one of them is Forever Fern. Worrying that it was going to retire in the next few months, I felt the need to play with it! There is a YouTube video where this card is being made click here to see it. And don’t forget that if you signup for my Newsletter you get to have my PDF’s as I make them for all my designs for Free!! Why do I call Forever Fern my favorite set? Because every time I make a card with it, I am amazed that no matter what color I stamp it with it is always stunning.

My favorite set = Forever Fern

My favorite set

NEW Free Product!

Sale a Bration is over half way over for this year. Stampin’ Up! wanted to be sure that there was plenty we could pick at the beginning, but now they have added more!!


So, I bet there is a LOT here that you would like to get. Don’t wait, Sale a Bration ends in 2 1/2 weeks at the end of February!! I would love it if you would choose me as your Demo, I’ve been one since 2003! Also, if you purchases $35 or more you will also get a PDF with 16 projects that have step by step instructions along with Pictures!

Join while you still can & get a Bonus!!

Overall, joining SU! is a great deal, but if you join during SAB you also get to spend MORE money at the same cost!! Of course everyone loves a deal, so be sure and check out this one, you are running out of time! Every month my Team Lets Stamp! gets together and and makes projects, it’s either by Zoom or in person. Also, each month I buy one of my team members a stamp set of their choosing, the only thing I ask is that they make cards with the set and share with us! Easy, right! Who doesn’t like FREE!? Choose me as your Team Leader and I would be so honored!!

Finishing Up

Thank you so much for coming, hopefully you found things you like! Please leave me a comment and sign up to get notifications when I post. Don’t forget to sign up for my Newsletter so you too can get a Free PDF!

Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina

Product List