Hey Guys, I’m continuing the Carousel Ride today because I had two more ideas using it! Because I broke my neck Horseback riding, Carousel Horses are the only ones I ride anymore! Before you see these cards below, keep in mind that I have changed them up on my Live Video today! If you missed it, click here. For some reason, I have a problem doing the SAME card twice! Of course, I hope you love both sets!
Continuing the Carousel Ride

Joining offer this month!!
Indeed, there is a joining sale for those who join this month!

Overall this is an awesome deal! Of course, you can get more goodies or spend less! Because I love stamps/stamping so much I would choose the 35% more! Nevertheless, what would you choose? When you join, click this link to sign up! As always I would love to have you join my team: The Tedder Bears! Basically we do monthly meetings, some of the meetings we do a shoebox swap where we get together and make each others cards! While stamping we visit and laugh! As a matter of fact we have so much fun that everyone can’t wait to do it again!
FREE Pdf’s
Basically when I am done doing this post and the others I do for my videos, I make a PDF to give to those who sign up for my Newsletter! In fact today I am sending out 4 PDF’s to those who are already signed up! If you would like to get the PDF’s that I am doing on my video today, sign up and you will get it in a couple of weeks along with those I do from here on out! Because my love language is gift giving, I do this because I love to share!
Thank you!
Because I always say this, I hope you don’t think I don’t mean it! Unquestionably I appreciate you coming to visit me here on my blog and visiting me on YouTube! After all you can be anywhere but you chose to spend your time with me! Thank you!!
Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina
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