Fun with Lazy Days
Hey Guys, I get to Finally play with NEW product! Basically, today I am having fun with Lazy Days. I have to thank Carol Buckalew for opening my mind to ways to use this set. I have done a video walking you through how to make this. Of course, the picture does not do it justice, so be sure to comment on my video within the next few days and you may get it in the mail! Particularly since I started doing a random drawing for those who comment on my recorded video.
Finally NEW Product, introducing Lazy Days

Want the PDF for free!?
Before you ask, yes I give out my pdf for this card to those who are signed up for my newsletter! I try to email every week the PDF that I made for that week. Basically I would do it less often, but adding too many PDF’s makes it to where it’s too big to send. So, if you don’t mind getting a PDF (or more) each week, sign up!
Did you notice?
Because the picture can not give you what your naked eye could, I want to point out that the railing/porch cover are ‘painted’! Indeed, I used Blends to make this a Victorian porch! Not only did I use Blends, but I used the NEW colors Bubble Bath and Moody Mauve! Hereafter you can call this a Dynamic Duo! Of course they go good together, SU! is so good at making colors that pair nicely together.
Also, I want to point out how the rocking chair is colored. Thanks to Carol this looks like a REAL rocking chair! Equally if you watch the video you will see how I made the ‘mountains’. Of course mountains are not that color, but in MY world they are! LOL Occasionally I have to stretch the colors that are in reality to match the card!
Did you know
At this time, did you know that I have a BOGO sale every year? Instead of keeping all my retired sets (I DO keep some), I let those who can come by my house pick out what they want. And then I let them pick out the same amount out of the new catalog. Then they only pay one price! Besides getting the retired stamp sets they get NEW product and only pay one price! Wait, there’s more! LOL Another thing they get to do is pick out Sale-a-Bration item for FREE that I have! NOT only do they get to pick out SAB items, but they get one for every $30 NOT $50! It’s a win win, I get to clean out retired product AND get sales! Basically you just need to contact me and we can arrange a time for you to come by.
Did you miss it!?
Certainly you see everything I do (said tongue in cheek), but if you missed it check out last weeks post! Next week for my Live I will play with something new, I’m thinking the New set Hey Chuck! Even though I don’t LOVE chickens, this set makes me laugh. Of course anything that makes me laugh is good!! Especially since some days are harder than others (I deal with depression) when you get a smile from something, go for it! Probably why I love my husband so much. Besides being a good man, he makes me laugh EVERY day! Plus, he doesn’t expect me to clean house! Certainly he’s a keeper!!
Because it’s true
Basically every time I blog, I tell you that I appreciate you. That’s because I do! It makes my heart happy to know you are reading this and joining me when I do a video. Emphatically, I DO appreciate you, so thank you! Equally important is that I want to make things you would like to see, drop me a note if there is something specific.
Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina
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