You won’t want to miss this one!
Hey Guys, I’m so excited to share with you Alternatives for the Kindness Kit along with making the kit! Of course when I opened the kit, I was wowed with how much thought went into making this something to share with others. It is so pretty! But, you KNOW I have to change things up, so I made TWO alternatives for the Kindness Kit!! Overall, I do my video every Thursday at 4:00 eastern. If you are late to this blog you can go see what you missed on my YouTube page!
Kindness Kit details:

My Alternatives for Kindness Kit

Want a FREE Pdf of BOTH of these projects!?
Every time I have a video I make a PDF for my projects. After that, I send out a Newsletter with the PDF’s included! How do YOU sign up for the Newsletter? It’s easy, you only need to look at the right when you’re reading my blog and fill out the form for my Newsletter! Because I don’t send out Newsletters EVERY week, I send out what I made between the Newsletters. This way you won’t miss out on anything, but you are also not getting a NL EVERY week! Of course, I am one of those ‘giving people’ so I want to be sure that you have access to whatever I make. So, my ask is that you sign up! After all, you only need to look at the things I have blogged to give you an idea of what you will be getting, click here to see!
Join the Besties Club!
Important to realize is that I offer a Club that is probably the BEST deal you will come across! Basically the Besties are my 2 Friends and I each make 2 cards using the same products (ever see Chopped!?). This must be remembered that the three of us have the same product to use, we NEVER come up with the same ideas! Of course there is no kidding here, every month I learn something new and I have been stamping for over 22 years!
Another key point, each month with your kit you get $22 approx. of product! Chiefly it is a roll of ribbon, a package of Embellishments and a half pack of DSP, plus you get a PDF with all 6 projects! Moreover, you will get all the ingredients to make the cards (cut & ready for you to put together!) we also have a Facebook group where we have contests, share tips and have fun! You also get a pillow gift! All this for $40 for porch pickup or $47 if I need to mail it!
Of course we also tell you what is coming the next month so if you want to buy the stamps/bundle you can, but it is not necessary you can always use what you have on hand! To emphasize, this month is our TWO year anniversary! Certainly when we started I don’t think any of us thought we would be still going strong two years later! To explain, If you want more info look at the top bar on my blog and click on The Stampin’ Besties Club.
Certainly, I always say thank you in this spot. But I’m not sure if you realize how MUCH I appreciate you being here! As a matter of fact, I know you have choices for where you spend your time. At the same time, If you spent ANY of it with me, I am thankful! Of course, my hope is that I can help you with your crafting needs too! Given that, see you next time!
Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina
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