Hey Guys, Absolutely Stunning Card using Layers of Beauty Suite! I LOVE how pretty and soft it looks, One I’ll definitely share with someone I love! My hope is that you will want to re-create it, and if you do, you can go to my Live on YouTube to see how easy this is! Of course I want to try it with blues, which one do you think would look as good?
Absolutely Stunning Card!

LOVE what you do!!
Now that I am done showing you an Absolutely Stunning Card. I want to tell you how you too can go to ‘work’ but you’d actually would be playing! I wouldn’t be doing my job as a Demo if I didn’t tell you about the best DEAL! When you join SU! you not only get an immediate discount, but you can also be in a community that you can bond with. Learn with and be with others that you would have so much in common!
When I started 22 years ago, I joined to get the discount. That was perfect for years, so it is NOT necessary to do more! But, if you want to earn a little for either buying MORE craft supplies or for spending money this is the ‘job’ for you! To join my Tedder Bear’s team click here. We have monthly meetings and we love to bond together!
I appreciate you!
Every time I tune in to my Stats on my YouTube Channel and see that not only do you watch, but you share! Thank you so much! I get so tickled to see that you like what I do! Thank you, thank you, thank you! But did you know for most of my videos I GIVE AWAY what I make!? If you join Live and comment (so we know you’re there) you will be put in a drawing to get what I create. This is my way to thank you! Hope you’ll join me in 2 weeks, since next week I am off. Thanks again!
Lisa Tedder
A former California girl living in North Carolina